Gracious Zen Guest Suite
Tranquil • Peaceful • Harmony
2010 ASID Showcase Home
The Challenge:
The home owner wanted a soothing, welcoming suite for overnight guests in this space, but it seemed hopeless. The small bedroom was broken up with two large windows and three doors and lacked a feature wall for a focal point. The adjacent bath was dingy and out-dated. But where others saw disaster, we saw the potential for a special place for weary travelers.


The Solution:
Guest Suite Bedroom
The home owner’s preference for Japanese tatami beds suggested a Tranquil Chi theme for this room where the focus is on peaceful relaxation.
- Low profile beds without headboards rest in front of drapery panel backdrops
- Minimal and low furnishings and warm, neutral hues create a sense of height, light and spaciousness
- Gold dust draperies, iridescent silk shams, sateen burgundy duvet covers and stylized Tibetan rug echo the Asian respect for harmony
- Burmese lacquered tiffin and lamp, Shoji screen and antique Chinese panels complete the restful theme
Guest Suite Bath
We completely gutted the bathroom, surrendering two feet for adjacent remodeling needs and removing the outdated floor-to-ceiling cabinet to create an inviting spa-like aura to sooth every guest:
- Custom walnut vanity, sink and mosaic tile-framed mirror replace outdated, floor to ceiling cabinets
- Rich golden beige walls, bold navy and black floor with Mediterranean mosaic accents
- Rustic textured light fixture
- Replicated 1900’s millwork
- Restored original radiator
The Results: A tranquil calming, restful place
Visitors may want to stay forever when they are welcomed to the inviting comfort of this cozy suite and its tranquil peace and harmony.